I just read this story from CNN, and it's very scary news for the son of the greatest luchador to walk into ring and film. El Hijo del Santo has a terrible spinal cord injury, and if left untreated he will be permanently confined to a wheelchair. But the surgery itself is very risky.
Santo recently informed the news of his decision to temporarily retire during this time and through the healing process after the scheduled surgery in the next couple months.
I wish the best of luck to you Hijo del Santo. If anyone out there has a PO Box for him, I'd love to send him some fan art and words of praise.
The full CNN article can be found here: http://m.cnnmexico.com/deportes/2014/01/06/el-hijo-del-santo-enfrenta-una-lucha-por-su-vida-una-cirugia-de-columna